
US Engagement LLC

Amazon Connect helps Nimble Health improve High Call Volume

US Engagement owns Nimble Health which is part of a successful family of companies with a long track record of providing transparency, patient concierge and healthcare cost savings. With a member centric vision, we are trusted partners, guiding members with orthopedic and spine injuries to manage and treat pain.

The Challenge

Existing solution was not scalable and cost prohibitive. The requirement included changes in the way healthcare providers and agencies improve the way they deliver services. The Customer was seeking alternative options with a high-volume outbound calling solution that was scalable and able to meet their requirements. 

The Solution

Nimble Health chose Connect for it’s inbound and outbound call center platform As their business grew, a customized solution built on AWS Pinpoint Connect and Salesforce was required to meet requirements. Connect features and solutions included Telephony, Voice, Chat, Tasks, Contact Lens, Outbound preview, PinPoint, and Lex.

The Results

Outbound Dialing Communications were able to meet and exceed customer required threshold from high volume call to Agent answer.


Technologies Leveraged:

AWS HVOC Outbound dialer solution using the AWS beta technology


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