Customer Challenge
Webops was running all of their production systems in Rackspace, with a contract expiration soon approaching, and needed to migrate to a more cost-effective, secure, and reliable cloud provider. Additionally, in Rackspace, Webops had experienced multiple outages and performance issues due to the way that the environment was architected and needed to re-architect their environment during migration. With little AWS experience of their own, Webops enlisted Cloudhesive to help migrate and manage their production workloads in AWS.
Cloudhesive first started by building out a HIPAA and PII compliant Landing Zone to host Webops workloads. Following the Landing Zone build, Cloudhesive worked with Webops to decouple all of their current services and move to a three-tier web architecture for all applications using ELB’s, EC2 instances in ASG’s, and RDS for hosting their SQL databases. At the completion of the migration, Cloudhesive onboarded Webops into their Managed Services for ongoing management.
Migration: January 2023 – June 2023
Managed Services: June 2023 – Ongoing
As a result of the migration and ongoing Managed Services in AWS, Webops reduced the hosting cost of their infrastructure by 40%, increased their security, performance, and reliability of their customer-facing production workloads, ultimately resulting in an increase in customer satisfaction and expansion.
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