Government can leverage the same DevOps benefits that are being realized in the corporate world
When DevOps is often referenced in the media, it’s typically referring to its use in startups or large enterprises. Rarely does it refer to DevOps being used in government. But government agencies can also use these same tools and processes to completely revolutionize how development and testing are handled within their departments.
Important DevOps principles government agencies should keep in mind
Below are just a few key tips to ensure that your agency leverages the many efficiencies that can be gained through DevOps:
Ensure your culture is open to collaboration and communication
One of the most beneficial aspects of DevOps is the fact that it helps organizations break down silos that have hindered development progress in the past. Government entities notoriously have lapses as various departments fail to communicate with others about relevant issues during a project. This can result in multiple people performing the same tasks – or worse, working at cross-purposes. DevOps helps to facilitate a more open dialogue between departments and ultimately allows for faster development cycles.
Use the necessary tools to give full visibility into your DevOps pipeline
It’s one thing to attempt to subscribe to DevOps philosophies; it’s another thing entirely to have tools in place to foster DevOps methodologies as well as to give you visibility into how they are performing within your organization.
As AWS partners, the team at CloudHesive has extensive experience utilizing, managing and implementing a variety of SaaS-based DevOps tools including Jenkins, Ansible, Octopus Deploy, and others. Each of these tools will help all of the necessary decision makers within your organization have a better understanding of the statuses of key deployments at all times.
Leverage automation to reduce costly errors
While the term ‘DevOps’ is constantly in the news, not enough emphasis is placed on how beneficial its automation can be. Automation is really what makes moving to DevOps methodologies such a home run for most organizations. There are a variety of DevOps tools that can help you:
- Test code
- Run automated end-to-end tests
- Automate code deployment
- Collect and analyze production metrics
While your team may be currently doing these tasks themselves, efficiency gains can be significant with DevOps automation. The exact same methods are used when it comes to testing and deployment each and every time. This vastly mitigates the human error seen when these tasks are performed manually.
Create cleaner software, faster, with DevOps
One of the key goals of DevOps is to get software releases in use faster. This can be done because of the time savings that are achieved by consistently putting out cleaner software. You’ll be able to perform QC testing and deployment automatically and allow your development and operations teams to focus on other more pressing tasks – such as that long list of features that you’ve been wanting to develop for so long.
DevOps isn’t just for commercial enterprises any longer
DevOps offers a variety of benefits for government organizations as well as companies. Reach out to CloudHesive today to learn how our DevOps services can help break down silos within your government agency and allow your team to release and test higher quality software – much faster.
Call us at 800-860-2040 or reach out via our online contact form.