
Support Your Newly Remote Workers with AWS End User Computing

People have been saying for years that “today’s workforce is increasingly mobile,” but when coronavirus forced whole offices to work from home, too many employers were unprepared.

Thanks to the COVID-19 shutdowns and quarantine orders, today’s work may not be very mobile. It is, however, more remote than it’s ever been. At this very moment, more people are working from home than at any time before. It was for a situation such as this that AWS created End Computing Services (EUC).

EUC gives you the ability to adapt to the changing needs of your workforce — for example, when your staff suddenly starts working from home en masse.

Support remote staff with properly configured virtual desktops

The shift from working at the office to working from home has been incredibly quick. Staff who were able to commute one day have found themselves quarantined in their homes the next, making do without office laptops and their installed software — not to mention persistent, reliable connections to corporate servers, databases, and the applications they depend on.

Virtual desktops from the EUC service Amazon WorkSpaces give your staff access to fully configured desktops they can access from anywhere through a consumer-grade broadband connection with any approved device or browser. Staff stuck at home with their personal computers or tablets can access virtual desktop with all the software and connections they need.

WorkSpaces supports PCs, Macs, iPads, Android and Amazon Fire tablets, Chromebooks, and both Firefox and Chrome browsers. Onboarding new users is as simple as a few clicks or automated API calls.

Give work-from-home staff flexibility with Amazon WorkLink

Amazon WorkLink gives social distancing staffers more flexibility at home as they work with your various software, corporate sites, and behind-the-firewall intranets. It lets employees access protected internal web content as easily as they can any public website.

Staffers can use their laptops to work on their secure WorkSpace and use WorkLink to access pertinent protected data securely on their phones, tablets, or any other connected devices — all while keeping the data secure because WorkLink never sends the actual data to the client device.

WorkLink is just one more way to give remote staff flexibility and the ability to take advantage of the tools they have on hand.

AppStream 2.0 lets quarantined employees access the apps they need

Supporting staff during this unusual and difficult time can be challenging and frustrating. One particularly complicated issue is trying to implement new software and get the application to all staff who need it.

What if rolling out a new update to your CRM requires updated software on dozens of standalone PCs? AppStream 2.0 makes it possible. Serve the new application to all the users who need it over any browser on any computer. And best of all, there are no worries about security — the application and your proprietary data never leave the security of your cloud.

AWS End User Computing lets you take care of your workers and save money

Your staff is doing its part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Make sure you provide them with the tools they require to keep the business running. No matter what hardware or operating system they’re working with, you can support them.

Even better, building this capability saves many companies a significant amount on desktop support. It’s not uncommon for companies to save as much as 30% on desktop operations costs and more on capital expenditure.

Those are substantial savings, especially in an economy slowed by a pandemic quarantine.

All the remote workers in America have a vital role during the pandemic crisis: Keeping the economy running so we all get through this difficult time with our lives and livelihoods intact. AWS EUC gives you the power to be there for them in these tough times.

When the crisis passes, more workers than ever will opt to continue working from home, and you’ll already have a complete set of systems in place to support them. Start now with no up-front costs and pay-as-you-go convenience. Learn more by getting in touch with CloudHesive at 800-860-2040 or through our online contact form.