What is a “task”?

Amazon Web Services introduced a powerful new router function in their updated architecture for Amazon Connect. This function, referred to as “tasks” enables you to bring your own channel to your contact center. ConnectPath uses tasks to route fax, email, SMS and social media messages to the “next available” agent in your contact center. One operational reality of tasks is that while handling a task, an Agent can not receive a voice call. This is also how chat works, while on a chat you will not be able to receive a voice call.

How Can ConnectPath help?

ConnectPath enable you to handle multiple tasks AND also be available to receive a voice call! Now you can increase the productivity of your call center team. Most tasks like chat and SMS channels are “asynchronous” and take time as messages “ping pong” back and forth between the agent and the customer, during which time the agent handling that interaction, will not be able to handle a voice call. Call center managers now have a choice and if you do not want caller holding in queue while your agents handle a task, ConnectPath is an excellent solution.

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