
Can You Release Better Software With Fewer Bugs by Using DevOps as a Service?

Improve the software you’re releasing and get it into production faster with DevOps as a Service

If your organization develops software for internal or external uses, development speed is always a concern. Companies are typically looking for any way possible to speed up development cycles so that bugs can be fixed and new features can be rolled out as soon as possible. One way that organizations are beginning to speed up software updates is through DevOps as a Service.

What is DevOps as a Service?

DevOps as a Service is a methodology surrounding the tight collaboration of development, operations, and quality control teams within an organization. Its goal is to leverage cloud-based tools and best practices to speed up development and reduce errors, allowing software to be tested and released more quickly.

Why is DevOps as a Service so revolutionary?

For decades, most companies would run their development and operations departments completely separately. Development teams are typically focused on getting software ‘out the door’ as quickly as possible while operations are looking to put procedures in place to ensure the software works as it should and that any issues or feature requests are quickly reported to the development team for fixes or modifications.

By operating separately, development and operations teams often are much less efficient than if they were to work together. This separation can lead to the duplication of efforts which lengthens development cycles, which in turn leads to an inefficient release of the software.

With DevOps, developers can actually test their code prior to releasing it to operations for testing because their development environment is directly linked to both the production and QA departments. This link allows developers to spot issues earlier and often fix them before they’ve ever even been passed on to operations.

Tips when implementing DevOps

Below are just a few ways you can take an inventory of your existing development processes to see how DevOps as a Service can help you and your team:

Identify areas of need

Take a look at your company’s existing development processes and attempt to find areas of delays or waste. Quantify the amount of time that your development team spends on tasks like build management, release planning, build verification, and test script development. All of these activities offer opportunities for improvement thanks to DevOps.

Slowly begin automating individual components

Once you’ve laid down the groundwork and understand where your organization can improve, it’s time to begin slowly introducing new automation tools to help streamline the development and testing processes.

An example might be a continuous integration server that allows developers the ability to automatically integrate their work while scanning any new code for errors. Other examples include automated testing as well as release automation tools that can help move software from development into testing – and ultimately out into the field.

Partner with a leader who provides DevOps as a Service

While implementing DevOps processes can most definitely be done in-house, it does inherently add work to your development and operations resources (that are likely already overworked).

By partnering with a company like CloudHesive who offers DevOps as a Service, you can turn over the implementation and management piece of your DevOps initiative to another company. This allows your team members to focus on their core competencies as opposed to managing a complex cloud-based DevOps environment.

Commit to the process

Some companies attempt to dabble in DevOps and fail to make the hard changes that can ultimately lead to significant efficiency gains. Don’t make the mistake of giving up on a set of processes and tools that could potentially revolutionize how your entire organization is run.

Reach out to CloudHesive today to learn more about DevOps as a Service

If you’re still a bit unclear on how DevOps as a Service could improve development cycles and ultimately allow you to release better software with fewer bugs, feel free to reach out to our team today at 800-860-2040 or through our online contact form.