
Amazon Connect: Track Customer Experiences with Call and Speech Analytics

Amazon Connect and the power of the cloud allow you to track your most valuable customer service and sales interactions

Amazon Connect has developed call- and speech-analytics capabilities that bring more power to its industry-leading contact center program. The driving force behind the innovations is to give customers large and small the ability to deliver better customer service at a lower cost.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) in various new ways, Amazon Connect is enabling companies to:

  • Evaluate their level of customer service and the effectiveness of the offline parts of their sales funnel.
  • Access information collected through crucial telephone conversations.
  • Study and analyze the resulting data to optimize customers’ sales journey and improve performance.

Amazon’s AI Powered Speech Analytics, working in concert with its Transcribe, Comprehend and Translate services, are key to leveraging this data. Here’s how they team up to deliver new insights into your operation.

Call and speech analytics give you the data you need to improve customer experiences

Telephone conversations are often a company’s most important customer service and sales touchpoints. But phone conversations have always been difficult to evaluate along with other marketing data due to the elusive nature of voice communication. For small organizations, it often means examining notes of perhaps questionable accuracy, well after the fact, and without the ability to readily compare the flawed data collected with other real-time metrics like web activity.

Companies are often left with persistent questions like:

Was this call a positive experience?

Why did that customer call at that particular time?

What do all successful sales calls have in common?

The answers to these questions would be very valuable to most businesses.

AWS has created a fully integrated, cloud-based voice-management platform that can provide organizations with the data and strategic insights culled from customer service and sales conversations. Using speech-to-text and natural language understanding (NLU), this call-analytics technology allows you to track the purchase process and apply that data to funnel-optimization efforts.

The system catalogs a customer’s entire journey, from the moment they enter a group of keywords in a search engine leading them to website, to the content they interacted with while there, the catalyst that led to the phone call, and what the final outcome was.

Knowledge is power, and detailed knowledge is even more powerful

This Amazon Connect capability essentially delivers precise data from every customer touchpoint. There are a number of ways to use that level of detail to improve sales and contact center performance:

  • Calibrate every step of the sales funnel, both online and offline.
  • A/B test different sales or service scripts and track the outcomes.
  • Send calls to agents along with hard data on what that customer has done so far, what the results of those interactions were, and what they’re probably looking to accomplish with their phone call.
  • Qualify callers as leads and determine the best conversion method.
  • Determine which agents are best equipped to handle which types of issues or interactions.
  • Send calls to the agent prepared to manage a specific question or problem, armed with up-to-date information on the customer’s interactions up to that point.
  • Collect data points that help make the case for return on investment (ROI).
  • Evaluate sophisticated web analytics data along with the offline interactions that closed the sale or preserved an important client relationship.

Amazon Connect can deliver intel crucial to marketing success

See how the latest in NLU can provide detailed, productive, and reliable data on some of your most important interactions. With the power of the cloud behind your efforts, you will gain insights that will help you make better decisions based on solid data. Learn more today by getting in touch with CloudHesive at 800-860-2040 or through our online contact form