
Why Your IT Team Shouldn’t be Managing DevOps

Ensure your engineers are focused on developing software and not managing complex DevOps infrastructure

DevOps has gained in popularity as companies look for additional ways to increase efficiencies across their development and operations teams.

One mistake some organizations will make is to attempt to manage DevOps completely in-house (without sufficient resources) instead of hiring a company that offers DevOps as a Service. Below we’ll give you a bit more background on DevOps as a whole, plus show you why it may make sense to work with an experienced DevOps as a Service provider.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is simply a methodology that aims to unify a company’s development and operations teams to speed up the entire software development, testing, and deployment processes. One of the primary goals of any DevOps environment is to use a variety of tools, many of which can leverage automation to improve the speed with which a company can release and test software.

By automating aspects of processes related to software development, integration, testing, and deployment, companies can produce higher-quality software with fewer bugs, faster.

Why not manage DevOps in-house?

Many companies that develop software often prefer to utilize in-house tools to aid in its development and release. This may mean using a variety of internal tools to manage build, testing, and deployment servers. This approach can create a number of problems, a few of which include:

  • Significant risk if key resources leave your company– Many organizations that have developed their own DevOps infrastructure typically rely on one or at most a few key resources who may have pieced together several DevOps tools to get the job done. The problem arises when these resources decide to find a job elsewhere.
    In this scenario, companies are left scrambling to find someone who can decipher how their DevOps environment was set up.
  • Lack of flexibility – While many organizations may think they’re staying flexible by managing their own DevOps processes, this is often not the case. In-house DevOps often requires constant trial and error, which can cause significant problems.
    And because DevOps technologies are constantly evolving, it’s critical that your employees stay abreast of the latest innovations or else you could quickly be left with a development environment that’s no more efficient than it was to start with.
  • Cost –Many companies will attempt to manage their DevOps initiative in-house because they perceive it to be cheaper, but this is rarely the case. In-house DevOps engineers are incredibly expensive, with a median salary of over $130,000 according to Glassdoor. And you may need up to 2-3 engineers to efficiently implement the various DevOps tools you’ll need.
    In contrast, a DevOps as a Service provider has their own staff and they can charge more competitive rates because they’re spreading their costs across a high number of clients.
  • Avoidance of focusing on core competencies –Your company wasn’t founded to launch and manage DevOps tools, and if your employees are dedicating significant time to DevOps infrastructure, it’s likely taking them away from their core competencies.
    Ensure your key personnel is focusing on growing your business as opposed to being bogged down by complex DevOps tools and processes.

Learn more about DevOps as a Service from CloudHesive

If you’ve begun to see the benefits of DevOps as a Service, set up a complimentary consultation with one of our DevOps engineers. Our team can look at your existing DevOps processes and quickly show you how we can increase efficiencies.

To learn more about our DevOps as a Service offering, give us a call today at 800-860-2040 or email us using our online contact form.