
3 Tips for Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity is almost as important as hitting your revenue targets. In fact, doing so may depend on it

While cybersecurity was once something that only IT department had to contend with, it’s become a hot topic for many executives, managers, and employees across all levels of an organization. It’s rare for a week to go by without a large company making the news after a hack of some kind.

Software programs are becoming better at recognizing suspicious data files, viruses, and malware, but there are still countless employees who have little knowledge about the best practices surrounding cybersecurity – and insider mistakes are one of the most common sources of a breach.

Here are a few of the tips to remedy this information gap and help companies create a culture that’s focused on security:

A culture of cybersecurity starts at the top

If you’re looking to create a culture where security is valued, it begins with upper management. Board members and executives are sometimes a hard group of individuals to convince of the need for proactive measures, especially when the tangible return on investment can be difficult to convey.

One essential point to get across to upper management is the sheer cost of a data breach. A 2016 study from the Ponemon Institute and IBM found that breaches cost companies an average of $4 million, a number than can vary – and skyrocket – depending on the specific industry and circumstances. In addition to the immediate monetary losses from a cyber-attack, companies can also suffer long-term costs from a loss of reputation and customer confidence.

Adequately fund cybersecurity training, company-wide

Once upper management has signed off on implementing an array of cybersecurity measures, it’s critical to invest in a cybersecurity training program for all employees. This plan should be comprehensive, and should at least address the following three areas:

Employee onboarding

Work with your HR team to create a cybersecurity onboarding program for all new employees. The following topics are just a few that should be covered:

  • Password management guidelines
  • Explanation of the danger of phishing attacks
  • Basics surrounding encryption and digital signing, if applicable
  • Policies and best practices to promote security
  • Backup procedures to ensure data isn’t lost or compromised
  • Information about sending personal and proprietary information

Cybersecurity guides and policies

Because cybersecurity is a constantly evolving topic, it’s critical that you have a set of guides and policies that are regularly updated based on new trends. These policies can cover an array of topics, including how you handle remote workers, mobile devices, new threats, and much more.

Ongoing training

Departments outside of IT will likely be in the dark when it comes to new cybersecurity threats. Because of this risk, it’s critical that all employees receive ongoing training to stay up to date on the latest information. You can also look at performing an array of employee tests and gamifying them to ensure your people are retaining the information.

Effectively community cybersecurity initiatives

A final tip in creating a culture of cybersecurity is to ensure that you’re consistently communicating with your employees about the topic. This could include any of the following:

  • Having regularly scheduled cybersecurity meetings
  • Updating all employees regarding any new change in cybersecurity policy

Ready to create a secure culture in your organization?

Unfortunately, cybersecurity is sometimes a low priority until a company is hit with a massive data breach, hacking attempt, or failed compliance audit. If you’re looking to get ahead of these issues, reach out to CloudHesive today to learn more about how we can help you improve your cybersecurity posture. Call us at 800-860-2040 or fill out our contact form.