
Avoid the Cloud Staffing Gap with Next Generation Managed Services

The cloud staffing gap: It’s a thing. But it doesn’t have to be.

More businesses are jumping on the cloud bandwagon every day, and with good reason. The benefits of migrating from their on-premises IT infrastructure are legion: increasing efficiencies, reducing IT spend, and many other revolutionary advantages.

If you’re at the IT helm of one of these enterprises, chances are you’ve paid the bulk of your attention to deploying servers and migrating applications and services – all the technical aspects that require careful attention.

You’ve studied the effects migrating to the cloud will have on your headcount, your uptime, and your department’s bottom line.

Now, this is all well and good. However, how much time have you spent considering the type of IT knowledge and experience you’re going to require, and what effect that will have on not only your existing staff but your hiring practices going forward?

The cloud computing upheaval is causing unexpected HR issues

As an IT management professional, you’re probably more than up-to-speed on the relevant competencies needed on your team. However, the skyrocketing rate of cloud adoption has created a shortage of qualified engineers and architects. Many organizations have had to adapt and are looking for ways to get their staff the training they will need to handle the upcoming technical demands and take full advantage of the capabilities of the cloud.

Mind the gap – bypass the whole issue with Next Generation Managed Services

At CloudHesive, we believe the cloud is meant to ease IT management responsibilities. The way we see it, exchanging network hardware maintenance workload for human resource concerns, worries, and doubts is not a fair trade. We created Next Generation Managed Services so cloud-adopting companies can fully realize the promise of the cloud without the workforce headaches.

Migrate to the cloud, sidestep the staff difficulties

CloudHesive’s Next Generation Managed Services lets companies deploy cloud infrastructure quickly, with everything configured to satisfy the needs of the organization’s data environment. They make the migration process seamless, so users can start enjoying the benefits of cloud computing right now, and not after weeks of troubleshooting security and permissions issues.

Staying current with software updates and patches can feel like a full-time job. CloudHesive’s Next Generation Managed Services are always on the lookout for new patches or updates released by software manufacturers. We’ll get them installed to stop security vulnerabilities or other issues before they can happen. Our comprehensive backups allow us to restore the system should the need arise as a result of a software upgrade glitch or other outages.

Compliance issues? Whatever regulatory agencies the organization has to deal with, they all have data policies that must be observed.  From HIPAA to GDPR, we’ll have the company in full compliance. Moreover, with our management and monitoring protocols, users can rely on us to keep them up and running. If any part of the cloud were to go down, another instance of the affected system would be activated, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Next Generation Managed Services also provides a fully staffed, 24/7/365 help desk to answer questions, resolve issues, and handle service requests. They’ll get clients through any crisis or answer any questions that arise. You never know when help will be required, and that’s why CloudHesive is always there, ready to make sure your cloud is up and running.

Let Next-Generation Managed Services help your cloud be all it can be

Always-on reliability. No ongoing anxiety about a security breach or a server going down. Completing IT projects on schedule and on budget because your team is set free from the need to be Mr. or Ms. Fix-it all the time. The calm, in-control feeling you’ll get from knowing that you’ve got that cloud migration thing covered. Learn more about Next Generation Managed Services by getting in touch with CloudHesive at 800-860-2040 or through our online contact form.