Terms and conditions
- The organizer of this promotion (hereinafter: the "Promotion") is CloudHesive. (hereinafter "The Organizer and/or CH"). Participation in this promotion is free and implies full knowledge and acceptance of these Terms.
- Participation in this promotion applies only to those who have participated in the event and who have completed the contact form that appears on the landing page corresponding to the draw.
- The promotion will be valid from the beginning to the end of the event mentioned in the registration landing page.
- "CloudHesive Sweepstakes" is a limited duration promo, as explained in the previous point, organized by CH, and visitors to the event will be able to participate in it.
- The participation of minors is prohibited.
- Participation in this promotion is completely free for participants, excluding any expenses they may incur as a result of participation.
- The organizer will not be responsible for any damages that the client may suffer, in person or property, due to the benefit and/or participation in the promotion.
- Participation in the promotion is only applicable to those present at the time of the draw, once the event has ended.
- Any modification to these bases and conditions will be adjusted to current legislation on the matter, duly communicated to the participants.
- These bases and conditions remain in force from their publication until December 2023.