Amazon Connect, Service Cloud Voice and Salesforce CTI Enable Total Customer-Facing Integration


Why Amazon Connect’s integration with Salesforce Service Cloud Voice dramatically improves customer service and communication

Customers are the root of your business. Being able to connect with them is imperative. Your team’s ability to work across phone, digital, and CRM channels all in one place streamlines those contacts, allowing you to respond to your customers’ needs, no matter where you, or your team, find themselves. That’s what makes the integration between Amazon Connect and Service Cloud Voice so interesting.

What Amazon Connect does for customer interaction

Amazon Connect is, by its own account, “an omnichannel cloud contact center that helps companies provide superior customer service across voice and chat at a lower cost than traditional contact centers.” 

For your customer service team, that means they will not need to learn to work across multiple tools to manage a conversation with your customers. Chat and voice are integrated, streamlining the customer service process. The same customer service agent can work with an account across multiple platforms without jumping from one interface to another, which decreases the learning curve and makes for a more seamless customer experience. 

Your customers now have the ability to choose the best contact methods for them based on personal preferences and estimated wait times. Using automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU) technology, customers will be able to speak common phrases to your service portal rather than being forced to “Press 1 for…, Press 2 for…” It is the same technology used for the popular Alexa app. 

Amazon Connect, then, works to help provide a superior customer service platform. Your customers are the heart of your business, and Amazon Connect helps your team provide the service those customers demand in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Connecting with Salesforce Service Cloud Voice

Salesforce already uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) as its primary cloud provider for Service Cloud. Now it will leverage Amazon Connect as its contact center technology, as well.

One way this integration will be helpful is when you roll out a contact center. It will simplify not only the implementation, but also the setup of your contact center telephony. Amazon Connect can be purchased from Salesforce with that integration bundled directly, which will allow you to have built-in telephone call transcription as well as call recording. 

According to Tech Crunch, Salesforce’s telephony partners give Salesforce Service Cloud direct access to the call itself. Salesforce will then use its own intelligence layer to read the transcript and offer up solutions and next steps for the customer based on that intelligence. Previously, Salesforce has been able to do this across chat channels, but not telephony channels. This integration will provide a cohesive contact center for your business and simplify contact routing, queuing and analytics, which will make overall contact management much easier.

How does Salesforce CTI help manage remote teams?

Remote teams can be difficult to manage, and with more people working remote today, that can be an even heavier weight. With computer telephony integration, that challenge is not only met but conquered. Salesforce CTI allows the integration of third-party computer telephony systems. Before the creation of Open CTI, a program adapter needed to be added to all your machines that would be using the CTI. The cloud architecture has done away with that requirement, making Salesforce CTI easier to integrate with relatively low maintenance requirements.

Paired with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, which has the ability to analyze a customer’s needs and route the call to the appropriate team, Salesforce tools leave more time for your team to answer the big questions and handle customer concerns in the least amount of time.

Amazon Connect, Salesforce Service Cloud, and Salesforce CTI work together for your teams

With the recently announced integration of Amazon Connect with Salesforce Service Cloud and Service Cloud Voice, customer service teams will be able to provide superior service by leveraging a complete set of tools in their agent workspace. Bundling these platforms together at purchase makes set up and roll out much easier for your business. With the decreased learning curve of learning one platform versus two or more, your sales team and customer service team will have the tools they need to run a seamless contact center across all platforms. 

In the competitive world of business, people look for the best customer service experience.  Contact CloudHesive today to find the best integrations for your business.

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